Hungarian Americans of Cleveland
About the Republic of Hungary
Hungary is a landlocked country in Central Europe, bounded on the north by Slovakia; on the north-east by Ukraine; on the east by Romania; on the south by Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia; and on the west by Austria.
- Area: 93,030 square kilometres
- Main rivers: Duna (Danube) (length in Hungary: 417 km), Tisza (length in Hungary: 596 km), Lajta, Rábca, Rába, Zala, Dráva, Ipoly, Zagyva, Sajó, Hernád, Bodrog, Szamos, Hármas-Körös and Maros
- Largest lakes: Balaton (596 square kilometres), Velencei-tó (26 square kilometres), Ferto tó (southern part, 75 square kilometres)
- Geographic regions: Alföld (Great Plain), Kisalföld (Small Plain), Nyugat-Magyarországi peremvidék or Alpokalja (Western Hungary or Lower Alps), Dunántúli-dombság (Transdanubia hills), Dunántúli-középhegység (Transdanubia mountain range) and Északi-középhegység (Northern mountain range).
- Population: 10.2 million
- Main national and ethnic groups: Hungarian, Croatian, German, Roma, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak and Slovene.
- Official language: Hungarian
- Capital: Budapest
- State form: republic
- Main religions: Roman Catholic, Protestant (Calvinist and Lutheran), Greek Catholic, Jewish and Orthodox
- Largest cities: Budapest (1,775,203 residents), Debrecen (211,038 residents), Miskolc (184,129 residents), Szeged (168,276 residents), Pécs (162,502 residents) and Gyor (129,415 residents)
- Official currency: Forint
- Official holidays
- 1 January (New Year's Day)
- 15 March (start of the 1848/49 revolution and war of independence, national holiday)
- 1 May (Labour Day)
- 20 August (foundation of state, celebration of King Saint Stephen, national and state holiday)
- 23 October (start of the 1956 revolution and war of independence, date of the declaration of the Republic of Hungary in 1989, national holiday)
- 25-26 December (Christmas)
- Easter (15-16 April 2001, 31 March-1 April 2002)
- Whitsun (3-4 June 2001, 19-20 May 2002)
- 1 November (All Saints' Day).