Hungarian Americans of Cleveland
Cleveland Press Articles
Church Gathers Baskets of Food for 170 Needy Families Every Week
The Cleveland Press, DEC 17 1932
Hungarian Women's Benevolent Association Carries on Relief Activity
Food baskets for 170 needy families are distributed every Friday night from the First Magyar Presbyterian Church, E. 126th street and Buckeye road.
This relief work, unique in method of execution, is conducted by the Cleveland Hungarian Women's Benevolent Association, a non-sectarian group which has the Rev. Stephen Csutoros, pastor of the First Magyar Church, as its adviser. Mrs. Joseph Muskoczky is head of the association.
Money to pursue canned goods distributed is raided part through monthly benefit shows given at the Moreland Theater, donated for these occasions by the owner, Paul Guzdonich.
Then, preceding each Friday night's distribution of baskets, there is a foraging exception to see that the baskets are filled. Cars are sent out with 10-gallon cans strapped to the running board to call on dairies and bakeries throughout the city. The cars return, the back seats loaded with loaves, the cans full of milk or cheese.
"Business men generally are ready to give liberally, knowing the nature of our enterprise," the Rev. Mr. Csutoros said.
Contributions of old clothing, toys and candy-in addition to food-are being sought for a children's Christmas party at the church Dec. 22.
The 33,000 church building is distinctive in that there is no mortgage on it. The building was erected in 1918 under leadership of the Rev. Julius Kish, who organized the congregation four years before. There are now 350 families affiliated with the church and 185 children in the Sunday School.
The Rev. Mr. Csutoros is a son of Dr. Alex Csutoros, now of Columbus, who was formerly pastor of the First Hungarian Reformed church here. He studied for the ministry at Bloomfield Theological Seminary following a year at West Point. That was preceded by service in France as an aviator with the 147th Pursuit Squadron. He now holds a commission in the reserves.